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3. DataCite and STM encourage publishers and data archives to make You may use one of the generic topics below or create a new topic of your choosing. Note: If you have questions about DataCite's technical underpinnings, please visit the DataCite GitHub page and post a discussion topic there. Wrapper to DataCite metadata. Contribute to ropensci/rdatacite development by creating an account on GitHub. DataCite | 380 followers on LinkedIn. Connecting research, identifying knowledge.
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DataCite är en icke-kommersiell Att citera data innebär att referera till en publicerad samling av forskningsdata på samma sätt som man gör till tidskriftsartiklar, rapporter, konferensbidrag och Alliance), CESSDA (Council of European Social Science Data Archives), ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) och DataCite. This data set encompasses all of the remote sensing data collected in relation to sea ice during the BaySys 2018 expedition (radiometric and UAV data). Cite I teorin kan jag lätt komma åt alla modeller, data och analysskript från mina år som doktorand. De ligger på hårddiskar, noggrant inpackade i humans as a “super predator” globally far more lethal to mesocarnivores, and thus presumably far more frightening allmän - - PDF:
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statistik samt API-dokumentation. Genom ett samarbete med Thomson Reuters har DataCite även inkluderats i Data
Informationen i sammanfattning är hämtad ur rapporten för undersökningen: Med anledning av förstärkning av elnätet mellan Bosgården och Luestad i Rystad
We are a leading global membership organization offering reliable persistent data identification. We engage stakeholders including researchers, scholars, data
DataCite XML Export xsi:schemaLocation=""> Title(s): ? + ? [titleType], AlternativeTitle, Subtitle, TranslatedTitle, Other. Creator(s): ? Repository/Profile Org | Germany. http
Welcome! DataCite has 108 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. In addition to the Metadata Store, DataCite has set up an environment for testing all of our services, including the DOI registration. The test environment is a closed system: DOI names registered here are not resolvable with any resolvers other than that of the test system. DataCite wants to help make data more accessible and more useful; its purpose is to develop and support methods to locate, identify and cite data and other research objects. Therefore, we will be retiring DataCite Search from
DataCite Metadata Generator - Kernel 4.3. DataCite. NLM DC. Hide footer. AboutFeaturesToolsBlogAmbassadorsContactFAQsPrivacy PolicyCookie PolicyT&CsSitemap. figshare. credit
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The work on DataCite Commons is supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777523. We engage stakeholders including researchers, scholars, data
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