Venezuela i brand: Hur Maduros Petro-plan misslyckades


Krisen i Venezuela Snilleblixten - Karis-Billnäs gymnasium

Last month it flew two nuclear-capable bombers to the region in a show of support for him. 2021-02-03 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro got a public relations bonanza while U.S. favorite Juan Guaido had to explain his links to a botched amphibious raid. Juan Guaido, President of Venezuela's National Assembly, gestures during a rally against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government and to commemorate the 61st anniversary of the end of the Nicolas Maduro? Juan Guaido?

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Jan 29, 2019 Venezuela coup leader Juan Guaidó is the product of a decade-long board hailed Guaidó as a “credible rival” to Maduro with a “refreshing  22 Sep 2020 En julio pasado, un tribunal comercial de Londres dio la razón al opositor Guaidó , reconocido como presidente encargado de Venezuela por  23 Ene 2019 Todas las potencias americanas, salvo México, respaldan a Juan Guaidó. Maduro anuncia la ruptura de relaciones con Washington. 30 Sep 2019 Desde que Juan Guaidó se juramentara como Presidente Encargado de Venezuela el 23 de enero de 2019, el escenario político nacional e  1 Mar 2021 Entonces Juan Guaidó, quien acababa de jurar como presidente encargado de Venezuela ante un masivo apoyo internacional, obtuvo 77% del  25 Ago 2020 guaido-14 El simbólico presidente interino de Venezuela, Juan Guaidó (izq.), y el presidente -de facto- del país, Nicolás Maduro / El Nacional. Jan 15, 2019 Who is Juan Guaidó, the Opposition Leader Trump Just Recognized Guaidó claims Maduro's second term, won through rigged elections in  2 juli 2020 — A London court ruled on Thursday that the British government recognizes Juan Guaido as Venezuela's president, instead of Nicolas Maduro,  MADURO'S THREAT: Venezuela's President Maduro says an arrest of opposition leader Juan Guaidó ^ ”Juan Guaidó utropar sig till president”. Dagens Nyheter. Läst 23 januari 2019.

As support for Guaidó grew domestically and internationally, some believed that a transition in Oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó säger nej till en "låtsasdialog" med den omstridde presidenten Nicolás Maduro – och manar till en stor demonstration. Medan USA:s diplomater skickas hem kommer Nicolás Maduro Moros, född 23 november 1962 i Caracas, är Venezuelas president sedan den 5 mars 2013, då han efterträdde Hugo Chavez efter dennes död.

Venezuelas opposition djupt splittrad. Medierna skyller på

2019 — Maduro: Kuppförsöket i Venezuela har misslyckats Demonstranter som stöder Guaido konfronteras av Maduro-lojala militära trupper i  21 jan. 2021 — MEPs call on the Council to unequivocally recognise Juan Guaidó as the Maduro regime, Parliament welcomes the recent extension of the  16 jan. 2020 — Mr Guaidó has since been sworn in as re-elected President of the legislature, despite further attempts by groups loyal to the Maduro regime to  4 feb.

Guaidó vill inte förhandla med Maduro - Västerbottens-Kuriren

2019 — talman Juan Guaido, som interimspresident för att sedan kunna utlysa fria och demokratiska val. Diktatorn Nicholas Maduro är tillsatt efter val  Rivaliserande massmöten med oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó och president Nicolás Maduro ägde rum i Caracas under Venezuelas nationaldagsfirande. 6 feb. 2019 — I kampen om makten i Venezuela har president Maduro bett påven Franciskus att Oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó, som har utropat sig som  3 juli 2019 — Den venezuelanske oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó säger att han inte har några planer på att återuppta samtalen med president Nicolás  1 maj 2019 — Oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó ber militären om hjälp att störta president Nicolás Maduro, men verkar inte bli bönhörd. Tisdagens utspel  30 apr. 2019 — Försöket verkar dock inte gå vägen eftersom bla försvarsministern sluter upp bakom Maduro.

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Samtidigt har Guaidó utlyst nya massprotester mot Guaido immediately received the support of the United States and its allies in Latin America, including neighboring Colombia. Several other countries, including Russia, Turkey and China, have said they only recognize Maduro as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro? Juan Guaido? Neither? DW takes a look at the reasons why some countries are backing Venezuela's embattled president, others his upstart nemesis and some are somewhere in the middle. Britain, France and Spain are among some of the leading European countries that have come out in support of Juan Guaido as the interim president of Venezuela Maduro’s claims to the contrary are irrelevant, null and void.
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Läs mer. 14 mars 2019 — Oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó under ett tal i Caracas, Venezuelas Många anser att valresultatet var manipulerat så att Maduro skulle  30 jan. 2019 — Ryssland och Turkiet har uttalat sitt stöd för president Maduro. Vem är det som kör? Även om Juan Guaido erkänns av andra länder och kan ta  29 jan.

DW takes a look at the reasons why some countries are backing Venezuela's embattled president, others his upstart nemesis and some are somewhere in the middle. Britain, France and Spain are among some of the leading European countries that have come out in support of Juan Guaido as the interim president of Venezuela Maduro’s claims to the contrary are irrelevant, null and void.
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Juan Guaidó - DN.SE

The 6 December parliamentary elections in  May 1, 2019 Understanding the Venezuelan presidential crisis: Who are Juan Guaidó and Nicolás Maduro?

Venezuelas opposition ökar trycket – får stöd av USA

For Maduro, who claimed victory in 2018 in a presidential election widely considered fraudulent, it was an opportunity to consolidate power within Venezuela. He already controlled the presidency Venezuela Under Maduro, Cabello, and Guaido October 06, 2020 / Francisco Fayardo, Jr. The tragedy of Venezuela could become a hemispheric tragedy. Little is known Maduro has also given the opposition, which benefits most when the government acts arbitarily and overplays its hand on legal or constitutional issues, a cause around which to regroup.

Samtidigt har Guaidó utlyst nya massprotester mot Guaido immediately received the support of the United States and its allies in Latin America, including neighboring Colombia. Several other countries, including Russia, Turkey and China, have said they only recognize Maduro as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro? Juan Guaido? Neither? DW takes a look at the reasons why some countries are backing Venezuela's embattled president, others his upstart nemesis and some are somewhere in the middle.